Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hospital Visit

Kate, Ashley and I were supposed to spend today in Catawba, eating at Tokyo Express, and College Barbeque.  This is where they went to college together, and we were going to take some pictures that were going to be published in the college paper/newspaper.  Since Ashley had to be put back into the hospital this is something that is going to have to wait until after the surgery, unless they are going to want to publish a picture of us in our gowns and gloves.
Instead we came to the hospital for a visit.  We rode the bus to the hospital which has a stop right next to the apartment we are staying at and only takes about 10 minutes to get to the hospital.  We got here around 12:30 and brought some lunch from a place called the co-op. 
Ok I have to admit that I love this co-op place, it is kind of like a whole foods except on a more local level.  They sell this chocolate milk that comes from a local farm called maple valley farm (which also is supposed to have amazing ice cream that we are planning on going to the local farm on Sunday and getting).
It comes in the glass bottle that you have to pay an extra $1.50 for and return so you can get your money back.  I’m not even sure how to explain this milk except it is like crack cocaine for a chocolate milk lover.  I think I could sit down and drink a gallon in about 25 minutes. I know it would make me sick but I wouldn’t even care because I imagine it would taste amazing on the way back up (sorry for that mental picture).
The quilt patches to the left were given to us by the lady who works with Kate. We were able to give Ashley hers today, she picked the one with the heart button and she was really touched by it. Mine is the one without fringe and that isn't pink. Thanks Waynette.

After lunch we got to go with Ashley for some tests at the pulmonary dept. of the hospital (I know I am messing up what that is called).   For her entire life Ashley has had to take these breathing tests to test here lung function and see how her lungs are doing.  It was very interesting to watch for someone who has never taken a breathing test in their entire life.  This is just one of the many tests that she has had to deal with through her entire life, I’m not sure I could have handled that.
I will get an idea over the next week if I can deal with doctors and tests and being in the hospital, not to compare it to what Ashley deals with.  It is weird to sit here in the hospital and watch the different teams of doctors come in and talk to Ashley, as you watch, it seems like she knows more about all of this than the doctors do. And she probably does since she has been dealing with all of this for her entire life, and her main job is to keep herself healthy.
In many ways Ashley life is not something you would want to have for yourself, or for your children, but what she has done with her life is truly inspiring and amazing.  I continue to call her a miracle and truly believe that to be the case.  It really is an honor to be able to donate my kidney to her.

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